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/ #88

2016-01-31 08:21

Concerns of invasion of "refugees".

We are very concerned about the plans to establish “refugee” shelters in The Netherlands and in particular in Amstelveen Kronenburg. Speaking in an extremely politically correct manner, migrants have certain prejudices concerning European values, women, the rights of sexual minorities and Jews. Increasingly European people are starting to s break seemingly  forever established “political correctness” taboos, and are paying attention to the danger of the high numbers  of  migrants coming to Europe — emigrants from countries totally different  culture and rules of daily routine and  life. Cultures where it is forbidden to openly speak, where one thinking differently has to be concealed otherwise can be publically executed or just murdered without trial. A public order which allows a penalty for an ideological dissension, commands, instead of open discussion, transfer of guilt from the criminal on the victim. Migrants are bearing this hell with them — because it is impossible to suddenly get rid of centuries-old immoral or outdated   traditions and barbarous methods of response to the challenges. Migrant’s ethnic communities in Europe welded by religious brotherhood and code of silence often terrorize the "civilized" majority that host them. They already (and aggressively !!!) demand Europeans to give up their habits and values: do not celebrate Christmas, do not tolerate other nations and religions, do not sell alcohol and pork, do not wear short skirts, do not walk in bathing suits on the beach and do not sunbathe in the park etc The question is: should we have to tolerate someone who does not tolerate us? And in our own country. The answer is not only in strict compliance with quotas and prohibition of illegal migration. The tough integration of immigrants can save our world. However recently we are dealing with the wild wave of unscreened so called “refugees”, without any attempt to civilize them.   Taking all the above into account, the plans to receive a high volume of migrants, specifically into a community in Amstelveen which has a vast Jewish population, sounds extremely dangerous and threatening to our safety and the safety of our families, children and friends. Therefore we have to do everything to prevent this invasion into our life and daily security and wellbeing.