De Zelfstandigenaftrek Moet Blijven


/ #570

2013-08-27 19:24

As an Economic graduate I am shocked how poorly The Netherlands deals with the current financial crisis : Not only does it raise taxes when the recession is in full swing, but it still makes it difficult for companies to let go of redundant workers ( we know there is WW and Bijstand so whats the point here ) , it still is not really looking deep enough into cutting its own fat ( continuous high government salaries & millions of waist in health care ( budgets being spent just so that the budget will be renewed the next year) and millions of waist on large building projects ( NS Line , Fyra ) , as well as the unbeleivable way the government treating the support of its banks ( huge 50% fines for support which only stops them from lending to the private markets )

I could go on and on but I only say I am so NOT surprised that the standard of living in The Netherlands continues to fall in Netherlands year after year and what can I say than about this silly action of ending the " zelfstandig aftrek" but yet again It will only make matters worse.

PS Ik spreek ook wel Nederlands maar ben ik vaak dus niet serious genoemen als Ik probeer het uit te liggen. Helaas weet ik na 24 jaar het is te vaak belangrijker hoe een persoon ABN Nederlands spreek dan wat ze heb te beiden heb in de maatschaapij.