Eis het ontslag van Jozias van Aartsen


/ #7363

2014-08-13 22:35

Yes, this is a hoax. But what is a fact is that many of the fighters who are now in Isis have previously been members of Syrian opposition militias armed by Western powers against Asad and have undoubdedly also received some training or instruction before they joined ISIS. It is not a conspiracy theory to state that, apart from its extreme salafist-jihadist ideological inspiration, IS is also in part a monster of Frankenstein, indirectly created by the West's attempt to overthrow Asad and to weaken the axis Syria - Hizbollah - Iran. Was Israel involved in that? There is no proof. But it would be logical that their intelligence would at least have been closely following what happened with the Syrian opposition, if not also engaging in manipulations or intervening in some covert ways. But this is a mere hypothesis of course. And now, this geopolitical strategy of the US and allies has exploded in their faces and things have taken a completely different course. The same has happened, of course, in Afghanistan where the mujahedin were once trained and armed by the US. So no conspiracies but the bitter irony of geopolitics, simplified into a 'zionist plot' by many (Middle East politics is full of conspiracy theories of course).